Coding for Kids in easy steps by Mike McGrath

Coding for Kids in easy steps



Coding for Kids in easy steps shows how to:
• create web pages using HTML (HyperText Markup Language) • add style to web pages using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) • make interactive web pages using JavaScript programming Coding for Kids in easy steps has an easy-to-follow style that demonstrates coding for web pages in clear examples. It begins by explaining how to make and test a basic web page, then demonstrates how to add text, pictures, links, tables, lists, and buttons to a web page. Next, the reader learns how to specify content color, font, position, and visibility. The book then shows how to add functionality so that web pages can react to user actions. The final chapter brings everything together with a step-by-step example that builds a fun web page containing an interactive game for PC, tablet, or smartphone.
Coding for Kids in easy steps assumes the reader has no previous coding experience so is ideal for the newcomer to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript technologies.
Get the FREE downloadable sample code to easily check and correct your own code.

Table of Contents
Get started with web pages
Create web page content
Make lists and tables
React to clicks 
Get started with style sheets
Get started with scripts
Build blocks of code
Use built-in functions
Grab web page objects
Put it all together


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