Holy Bible (American Standard Version): Old & New Testaments by Various

Holy Bible (American Standard Version): Old & New Testaments


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  • Genre Bibles
  • Released
  • Size 7.13 MB


This version is the American Standard Version of the Bible, containing both the complete books of the Old and New Testaments. Released in 1901, this version has been meticulously converted to the Kindle format and includes the following features: SEARCH EVERY VERSE NAVIGATION No matter where you are in the Bible, quickly jump to a verse by typing the book's three-letter abbreviation and chapter and verse. For instance to jump to John 3:16, simply type "joh3.16". Easy as that! ALWAYS KNOW WHERE YOU ARE IN THE BIBLE Because every verse is labeled, you always know at a glance where you are. No more paging endlessly to find a chapter heading to get your bearings. CHAPTER JUMP WITH 5-WAY CONTROLLER Jump quickly to the previous or next chapter by pressing the left or right button on the 5-way controller. FULLY FEATURED TABLE OF CONTENTS The full TOC appears at the beginning of the book and can be accessed through the MENU button. The beginning of every book also contains links to every chapter of that book. BEAUTIFUL FORMATTING Proper verse spacing, chapter headings, and margins are all set to be easy on the eyes.

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