Perform Under Pressure by Ceri Evans

Perform Under Pressure



*Radically change the way you think about pressure*

'Whatever it is you want to improve in your own life, this book will help you do it.'

RICHIE McCAW, former All Blacks captain

Perform Under Pressure will help you not only survive but thrive in situations that up until now have been holding you back. Targeting the moments when you are most stressed and uncomfortable, Dr Ceri Evans' red-blue mind model converts his clinical insights into a simple approach that will help you gain emotional control when you need it most.

If you want to be better at what you do, pressure is unavoidable. This book will help you feel comfortable being uncomfortable, overcome mental obstacles and unlock your true potential.

'We all feel pressure. Ceri just makes it easy to understand so you can deal with it.'

STEVE HANSEN, All Blacks coach

'Performing under pressure is the platform for a successful career. Ceri helped me clear my mind, focus on decisive matters and strengthen my vision for the team.'

ARSENE WENGER, manager, Arsenal FC, 1996-2018

'A revelation - no book has done more for my professional life and personal wellbeing than Perform Under Pressure. It's so much more than self-help or sports psychology. No matter your field, it will change the way you think about what you do, why you do it, and how you practise, day to day. I've given it to every writer, artist and creative I know. Everyone in the arts should read it.'

MEG MASON, author and journalist

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    Janet Parrott, Ceri Evans, Charles Scott, Natalie Pyszora, Rebecca Milner, Richard Taylor, David Ndegwa, Barbara McDermott, Maria Fotiadou, John Podmore, Dr Gwen Adshead, Danny Sullivan, Crystal Romilly, David Crighton, Graham Towl, Donald Grubin, Ian Cumming, Huw Stone, James Tighe, Kiriakos Xenitidis, Mark Morris, Julie Withecomb, Julian Walker, Phil Brinded, Preeti Chhabra, Raj Dhar, Tish Laing-Morton, Andrew Forrester, Gabrielle Brown, Jessica Yakeley, Simon Wilson & Seena Fazel
