In order to save a life, he must take one...
Navy SEAL Mack Bedford is expelled from the military after recklessly avenging the death of fellow soldiers, killed by insurgents wielding a deadly Diamondhead anti-tank missile.
Then he learns the weapons were sold illegally by the infamous terrorist abetter, Henri Foche. Meanwhile, Mack has a gravely ill son whose life can only be saved by an expensive and experimental medical procedure.
When Mack is asked to assassinate Foche, his hand is forced... His reward: a chance of survival, not just for his son, but for his country.
But before Mack can reach his target, a jilted mercenary group intervenes. Can he succeed – and survive?
A non-stop action thrill ride, Diamondhead is perfect for fans of Vince Flynn, Andy McNab and Frederick Forsyth.