YouTube: How to Build and Optimize Your First YouTube Channel, Marketing, SEO, Tips and Strategies for YouTube Channel Success by Tommy Swindali

YouTube: How to Build and Optimize Your First YouTube Channel, Marketing, SEO, Tips and Strategies for YouTube Channel Success



Join The Global Phenomenon Now

YouTube is the second largest search engine and the third most popular website we use on the Internet today. Creating a channel in YouTube is essential to becoming a part of this global phenomenon. Hosting videos on a website is good-intended. On the other hand, taking advantage of YouTube's marketing potential is way better. 

For brand managers, individuals, and small to big businesses, using YouTube to market videos and website content is a cost-effective way of growing customers and audiences.  Optimized videos and a well-structured channel can effectively showcase a business or individual's brand. 

YouTube is not just a website where videos can be shared. Its use can be maximized by using it as a marketing tool for brand awareness and to drive YouTube viewers back to the channel owner's original website in order to convert them to sales leads.

Building a successful YouTube channel is not a one-day or quick process. It can take time; lots of it. Read on for a step-by-step guide to creating a YouTube account, starting a channel and joining the global phenomenon! 

Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...

Creating a YouTube Channel

Customizing a YouTube Channel

Optimizing a YouTube Channel

Building an Audience

Creating Videos Built for a Target Audience

User Engagement

Audience Retention

Sales Conversion
And, Much, much more!

Download your copy today! 

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