Samurai Wisdom Abstracted: Teachings of Highly Acclaimed Samurai Warriors by Sreechinth C

Samurai Wisdom Abstracted: Teachings of Highly Acclaimed Samurai Warriors


  • Genre Quotations
  • Released
  • Size 2.27 MB


The word Samurai itself is a synonym for Japan, as they are the great ferocious aristocratic warriors in the history of the country. They are the best known for their dignity and elegance during peace and fierce atrocities in war. These highly honoured ardent champions were much ready to sacrifice their own life than bearing any dishonours. The Samurais practice a number of weapons including spears, bows and arrows, nevertheless the main weaponry and symbol of strength is their sword which was called as Katana. Their ethic code of conduct, Bushido was later adapted as the traditional code of conduct of entire Japan. Though after Meiji restoration, the importance of martial arts and hence the Samurai powers diminished, they are still revered as the most ferocious warriors for their contributions in uniting the country. In this book, we present you some of the greatest samurai heroes and their valuable words. Here are the impeccable words of acclaimed samurais like Miyamoto Musashi, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Oda Nobunaga and many more…

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