Batman: Knightquest: The Crusade Vol. 1 by Chuck Dixon, Alan Grant, Doug Moench, Jo Duffy, Graham Nolan, Barry Kitson, Vince Giarrano, Mike Manley & Jim Balent

Batman: Knightquest: The Crusade Vol. 1



Bruce Wayne is out of commission, but Batman must continue! A new era begins as a new Batman arrives in Gotham City. Bruce Wayne, battle-broken and unavailable for field duty after an epic showdown with Bane, has appointed a new Dark Knight as his temporary surrogate. Jean-Paul Valley (a.k.a. Azrael) has assumed the role of the Caped Crusader, but without his mentor�s integrity and experience, he quickly spins out of control. His undisciplined behavior is especially worrisome to both Robin and Commissioner Gordon. The fourth installment of the Batman: Knightfall saga, Batman: Knightquest: The Crusade Vol. 1 collects Detective Comics #667-670, Robin #1-2, Batman: Shadow of the Bat #19-20, Batman #501-504 and Catwoman #6-7, plus bonus material!


More Chuck Dixon, Alan Grant, Doug Moench, Jo Duffy, Graham Nolan, Barry Kitson, Vince Giarrano, Mike Manley & Jim Balent Books