DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. A Mathematical Analysis for Applied Sciences by Alix Fuentes

DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. A Mathematical Analysis for Applied Sciences


  • Genre Textbooks
  • Released
  • Size 42.72 MB


The textbook "DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. A Mathematical Analysis for Applied Sciences" is dedicated to all university students in distance or face-to-face programs that need to learn Differential Calculus for the purpose of using its contents in applied sciences.

The relevant contributions of this textbook are centered on the Pedagogy for the Development of Autonomous Learning together with the logical and complete selection of topics that give the student the necessary knowledge to achieve the conceptual mastery of Differential Calculus in applied sciences, not including demonstrative processes or theoretical constructions typical of pure mathematics.

The methodological design includes guidelines for autonomous learning to offer the student alternatives in learning to learn and learning by his or herself step by step in a logical-analytic-constructive process, proper to the disposition of the themes selected by the author.

The goal of the textbook "DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. A Mathematical Analysis for Applied Sciences" is to enable the student to learn to learn and learn for his or herself Differential Calculus as part of a logical-analytic-constructive process that involves the student in learning in a significant manner.

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