A Counselor's Guide to the Dissertation Process by Brande Flamez, A. Stephen Lenz, Richard S. Balkin & Robert L. Smith

A Counselor's Guide to the Dissertation Process


  • Genre Education
  • Released
  • Size 1.02 MB


This engaging book not only offers step-by-step guidance on planning, writing, and defending a dissertation but also helps create a beginning-to-end process that is meaningful, rewarding, and exciting. Each chapter answers commonly asked questions, contains a checklist for each part of the dissertation, provides a summary of key points, and lists additional resources. Topics addressed include tips for staying motivated, time management, and self-care; selecting a dissertation committee and narrowing down the topic; writing a proposal; preparing the literature review; creating the problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions; understanding research methodology and ethics; collecting and analyzing data; presenting results; and best of all—publishing a dissertation.

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