Alexander Pushkin was an influential Russian writer in the early 19th century. Pushkin was considered to be the Russia’s greatest poet and he also helped create modern Russian literature. This edition of The Shot includes a table of contents.
Nikolai Gogol, Ivan Turgenev, Feodor Dostoievsky, Leo Tolstoy, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Vladimir Korolenko, Vsevolod Garshin, Anton Chekhov, Fyodor Sologub, Ignaty Potapenko, Sergey Semyonov, Maksim Gorky, Leonid Andreyev, Michail Artzybashev, Alexandre Kuprin, Thomas Seltzer, Федор Достоевский, Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin, Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol, Ivan Turgenev, Leo Tolstoi, Михаил Салтыков-Щедрин, Владимир Короленко, Всеволод Гаршин, Maxim Gorky, Леонид Андреев & Александр Куприн