The Lightworker's Source by Sahvanna Arienta

The Lightworker's Source



If you are a Lightworker you may be going though life with a constant urge to embrace a higher purpose. You know you have a calling but you don’t yet know what it is or how to go about finding it. The Lightworker’s Source is a much-needed guide for newly awakened or even fully conscious Lightworkers to reveal their authentic selves and find fulfillment in the lives they are destined to live. You will be inspired by true stories of fellow Lightworkers who have awakened to the divine intention of their own lives, and learn practices to enhance your own Lightworker gifts.

The Lightworker’s Source will help you understand:
• The signs and symptoms of awakening to your Lightworker role
• What the “Dark Night of The Soul” is and why it is a Lightworker rite of passage
• How to avoid the “One Way Flow,” which will create roadblocks to your own happiness
• How to use your dreams for guidance and as a gateway to your higher self

The Lightworker’s Source is the practical roadmap to the higher self you’ve been searching for.

The Lightworker’s Source is a clear, easy-to-read book that will guide you step by step through discovering your innate intuitive and healing gifts. Ms. Arienta has provided a wealth of information that will help you through the stages of emerging awareness as a Lightworker and has provided exercises that help you integrate that knowing into your life and your work.”—Dr. Steven Farmer, author of Earth Magic and Animal Spirit Guides

The Lightworker’s Source will be a guidebook for spiritual seekers for many years to come.”—Psychic detective Gale St. John, author of Blind Drive

Sahvanna Arienta is a practicing psychic medium and intuitive advisor with clientele from around the globe. A respected radio host and author of Lightworker: Understand Your Sacred Role as Healer, Guide and Being of Light, she has studied and explored the metaphysical and paranormal realms for more than 20 years. Arienta is also the founder of Soul’s Journey Media, a New Thought company that brings messages of spiritual enlightenment to people all over the world.

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