Understanding Fractions by Ronit Bird

Understanding Fractions


  • Genre Education
  • Publisher SAGE
  • Released
  • Size 1.64 GB
  • Length 212 Pages


This highly practical book is the fourth in the series ‘Help your child master numeracy’, written by dyscalculia expert Ronit Bird.

Many children find fractions difficult, whether or not they have specific difficulties with arithmetic, and many are subject to a whole host of misconceptions when they try to remember the ‘rules’ without properly understanding the concepts. 

The book takes a completely different approach and aims to teach for understanding through hands-on experience of paper folding, supported by visualisation techniques and sketching. The topic is taught through practical exercises together with numeracy games specially developed to target the essential concepts that need to be mastered and practised. In common with all Ronit Bird’s books, this ebook contains no tricks or shortcuts, no rote learning, no drill and repetition and absolutely no worksheets. The ideas have been designed specifically for children who struggle with numeracy but they would be equally suitable for teaching fractions to any child, at home or at school. 

An ebook format is ideal for focusing on exactly the kind of visual approach to learning that best suits most dyscalculic children. The author has taken full advantage of the unique capabilities of an ebook, as compared to a print book, not only by including colourful illustrations on virtually every page but also by embedding into the text 16 demonstration videos with a combined running time of 67 minutes. Each teaching video clearly demonstrates what to do and what to say as you help your child learn the essential concepts that provide a solid foundation for simple and effective calculation strategies.


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