Hypocrisy by Andrew Bromhall, Charles H. Spurgeon, Thomas Brooks, Jonathan Edwards, David Clarkson & Thomas Boston



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In this issue of the Free Grace Broadcaster, we learn of the great sin of hypocrisy. Andrew Bromhall shows us the danger of this sin. The hypocrite's two-faced character is declared by Charles H. Spurgeon. Thomas Brooks reminds us that no hypocrite makes God or Christ his ultimate reason for existence. Jonathan Edwards describes a hypocrite as a prayerless man. How far may hypocrites go? This compelling question is answered by David Clarkson, who shows that some can seem to be so close, yet be so very far away from heaven. Jonathan Edwards brings a stirring reminder that fear will overtake the hypocrite at the last Day. As Thomas Boston shows, a true Christian can be discerned by his heart religion. Lastly, Charles Spurgeon applies these truths, as he considers, "What if I find hypocrisy in me?" 

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