Sensation Comics (1942-) #14 by Irwin Hasen, Ted Udall, Evelyn Gaines, William Moulton Marston, Arthur Nugent, John Jenks, Montgomery Mulford, Chuck Winter, Harry G. Peter, Sheldon Moldoff, Jon L. Blummer, Martin Naydel & Don Cameron

Sensation Comics (1942-) #14



Wonder Woman is tracking Nazis in the town of Greenville, and discovers that the Carter family is a victim of Nazi Carl Natz who, along with his gang, has taken the Carter children hostage.

More Irwin Hasen, Ted Udall, Evelyn Gaines, William Moulton Marston, Arthur Nugent, John Jenks, Montgomery Mulford, Chuck Winter, Harry G. Peter, Sheldon Moldoff, Jon L. Blummer, Martin Naydel & Don Cameron Books