Many people struggle with every day issues or problems for which there appears to be no, successful end-result or successful solution. In this work titled A Positive Thought A Day, Keeps The Negative Away, Author Dr. Curtis E. Smith compares and contrasts Secular Positive Thoughts with Inspirational, Biblical Positive Thought as a formula to help those without hope to transform obstacles into opportunities. As a Counselor and Pastoral Psychotherapist for more than thirty years, Dr. Smith offers practical, viable, and long lasting solutions to people who are struggling with difficulties. Using a plethora of Secular Positive Thoughts compared to, and contrasted with Inspirational Biblical Positive Thoughts, he points up how to approach, and achieve seemingly impossible, ongoing issues successful living through positive thinking by combining Secular Positive Thought with Inspirational, Biblical Positive Thought. This work, A Positive Thought A Day, Keeps The Negative Away, presents a wide range of both Secular and Inspirational, Biblical Information on how to combine the Power of Inspirational, Biblical Positive Thought to Secular Positive Thinking to achieve a desired, positive, end result. This work is a compilation of Secular Positive Thoughts and supporting Inspirational, Biblical Positive Thoughts which are offered to point people with seemingly impossible, life changing issues, who have an open mind with regard to Intelligent Design, and discover a pathway to faith in a Higher Power; God.