In Deep Is the Hunger, Howard Thurman explores the profound yearning within the human soul for connection, meaning, and spiritual nourishment. Through a collection of meditations and reflections, Thurman delves into the depths of the human experience, offering wisdom and guidance for those seeking to cultivate a deeper sense of purpose and inner peace. With his unique blend of spiritual insight and poetic eloquence, Thurman invites readers to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and to find solace in the midst of life's challenges.
Howard Thurman (1899-1981) was a renowned African American theologian, philosopher, and civil rights leader. He played a significant role in shaping the nonviolent resistance movement and was a mentor to many influential figures, including Martin Luther King Jr. Thurman's teachings and writings continue to inspire generations, emphasizing the importance of spiritual growth, social justice, and the power of love in transforming individuals and communities.
I am deeply of the mind that there is a need for materials of refreshment, challenge and renewal for those who are intent upon establishing islands of fellowship in a sea of racial, religious and national tensions. My experiences in sharing in the development of a church dedicated to so crucial an undertaking underscore very simply the character of the desperate need for resource materials; that is the demand which called into being these paragraphs. The attempt is not to set forth a connected series of observations or reflections, but rather to throw a shaft of light on aspects of thought, of life, of religious experience, as they are encountered in the daily round.