A bumbling knight meets a clumsy dragon in a duel with an ending you'll never forget!
What happens when a sheepish knight and a not-so-fierce dragon fight for the very first time? Well, it's no ordinary battle since the knight has to go to the castle library to learn about dragon-fighting and the dragon must dig through his ancestor's things to find out how to fight a knight!
When they decide they're finally ready, their energetic faceoff is sure to elicit giggles, uh-ohs, and very satisfied cries of "Perfect!" at the heartening conclusion.
"Spontaneity of line and feeling are backed by zesty colors and a jovial, tongue-in-cheek tone to which children can relate—a top springtime choice." —Booklist
"There's a swirl of good-humored life to the book." —The New York Times Book Review