The No.1 Goldendoodle Bestseller!
Raise & train a happy, healthy & well-behaved Goldendoodle who's a joy to live with.
“This is the most complete book about Goldendoodles to date. Anyone raising a Goldendoodle or contemplating one in the future should read this book!” AMY LANE, founder, GANA, Goldendoodle Association of North America, & creator of the Mini Goldendoodle
“A must-have for anyone with a goldendoodle. This is just jam-packed with fab useful info - and it's easy to read!!” KIRSTY LEWIS, UK
This is Amazon's highest-rated Goldendoodle book – with over 100 colour photos
& the only book recommended by GANA.
There's 60 pages devoted to TRAINING & BEHAVIOUR: Housetraining & Crate Training, Obedience Training, Clicker Training, Collar & Leash, The Recall, Speak & Shush, Typical Goldendoodle Traits - & Dealing With Challenging Behavior.
The 274 pages of this book, part of the Canine Handbooks, Amazon's top dog breed series, are packed with detailed advice & insider tips from 16 top Goldendoodle breeders.
• What Every Goldendoodle Owner Should Know
• First Few Days & Weeks, Step-by-Step
• Socialisation & Exercise - How Much & How Often?
• What Makes a Goldendoodle Tick?
• Which Type of Goldendoodle for Me?
• Neutering, Spaying & The Heat Cycle
• A-Z on Goldendoodle Health
• Vaccinations, Titers & Worming
• Avoiding & Dealing With Separation Anxiety
• Feeding
• Goldendoodle Rescue
• Caring for Older Goldendoodles
There’s tons of advice on how to spot good & bad breeders & then choose a healthy pup with a good temperament.
Specialist Articles written by experts include: Inside a Goldendoodle Puppy’s Mind, Coat Genetics, Grooming, Activities & Competitions for Goldendoodles, & Therapy Doodles.
“An outstanding, detailed guide to raising a Goldendoodle puppy & living with it in your forever home for many happy years. Though I have had many dogs (some rated Champion Companion Dogs by AKC) I learned a great tip yesterday! I have now tweaked my "Speak & Shush" process for my 5 year old Google who just started barking at people coming to the front door. Google & I are very glad to have this reference book on our shelf!” GALE W. SHERMAN, USA
“This is the most complete & well-researched book on Goldendoodles on the market. I will recommend that all of my doodle families, especially the new ones, buy this book & read every page,” LYNN WHITMIRE, SOUTH CAROLINA, USA
“As a first-time dog owner I wanted a general 'dog' manual and I was keen to learn lots about the Goldendoodle breed itself. This book is absolutely brilliant, I honestly cannot think of a bad thing about this book," EMMA HARRYNARINE, UK
“Sit. Stay. Then read this book for everything you need to know about your Goldendoodle,” BETH STEBNER, USA