Mathematical Reasoning for Social Justice by Gary Wenger

Mathematical Reasoning for Social Justice



This textbook is prepared as a college-level program designed to satisfy the mathematics graduation requirement for liberal arts majors. The primary goal of the program is for students to develop a mathematical lens through which to view the world and gain deeper understanding of environmental, economic, social, and political issues. This book emphasizes the reasoning processes that develop one’s interpretation of real data and the construction of arguments. Education is a curricular sequence within a pedagogical framework that cultivates the widening circle of a person’s awareness. As we mature, our awareness expands to include more empathy for humanity in the world around us. This book shows how mathematical reasoning can be an important part of that process. This is a multi-touch book containing interactive slideshows and animations, as well as the standard features associated with digital books - including word search and a build-in dictionary, note-taking and review, and highlighting capabilities.

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