There is nothing quite like the thrill of walking out of a casino a winner. It really doesn’t matter how much you win, knowing that you have bested the house is a good feeling. I have been fortunate enough to experience this feeling many times while playing many different games, but it wasn’t until a year ago that I realized which game was my game: blackjack.
Let me start by saying that I am not intending on the contents of this book being a recipe for success at blackjack. In fact, many players and math whizzes will probably claim that some of my methods are not mathematically sustainable, and that if I continued to play the same way I would eventually lose money in the long run. Nonetheless, I made six-figures playing blackjack last year, and as the saying goes: “Money talks, b******t walks.” This book is simply my story. Right or wrong, this is how I did it.
This book is short. So if you're looking for an in-depth, fluffed up, overly descriptive book, this isn't it. But if you want to spend 15 minutes learning how you can significantly increase your odds of winning at the blackjack table, this book will be well worth the $0.99 investment.