In the past, a pot belly was a status symbol, but today many people have them. People in America usually call them beer bellies. After recent scientific discoveries about wheat were conducted, doctors came to the conclusion that pot belly fat has more to do with wheat than beer.
This book refers to a pot belly as a wheat belly. A wheat belly is defined as an accumulation of fatty tissue which comes from eating food that causes insulin levels in the body to climb. This happens over a long period of time and while the wheat belly is a visible symptom of this damage, there are many symptoms that are not so easy to detect.
The author of this book is a practitioner of preventive cardiology in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He points out how Milwaukee has excellent city services and lots of green spaces, but it is home to some of the most overweight people in the world. Less than fifty years ago, it was rare to see people who were massively overweight while today it is quite normal.