The Staff and the Blade: Irin Chronicles Book Four by Elizabeth Hunter

The Staff and the Blade: Irin Chronicles Book Four


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  • Genre Epic Fantasy
  • Publisher Recurve Press, LLC
  • Released
  • Size 716.39 kB
  • Length 490 Pages


Lovers. Warriors. Enemies. Legends.

"She hates me as she loves me. Wholly and completely. Sari never does anything by halves."

Damien and Sari. Their union became pivotal in Irin history. But to understand their ending, you must go back to the beginning. A young singer and a hardened warrior meet and mate, but their life is torn apart by violence, betrayal, and grief.

Yet no matter how much pain and anger stain their lives, bonds in the Irin race cannot be abandoned. Damien and Sari will never truly leave each other, because those who are destined cannot be ignored.

The Staff and the Blade is a novel in four parts. It is the fourth book in the Irin Chronicles.

Mine is the fire. Mine is the blood.

Mine is the need and the desire.

Daughter of heaven,
Beloved of my heart.

My Sari.
My own.


Damien of Bohemia was a legend content to live in obscurity. Weary from a century of human and Irin bloodshed, he took shelter among those who would not question his silence or the martial spells he wore over his body. Spells far too numerous for a scribe of his age.

Until an earth singer of raw power and no delicacy came to the village where he hid. Sari of Vestfold wasn't intrigued by the mysterious warrior or his moody silences. And she wasn't interested in listening for the whisper of his soul. Even when those whispers promised a connection that could tie them for eternity.


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