Statistics by Little Green Apples Publishing, LLC™




The Statistics Study Brief collects important reference information you need to have available at your fingertips. It is an ideal resource for doing homework and studying without having to search numerous websites or flip through heavy textbooks to remind yourself of a fundamental principle or check a formula. Any business or sales professional who works with numbers or anyone with an interest in gaining a general understanding of statistical concepts in a single short read will appreciate this concise compilation. Quickly access definitions of key terms and explanations of fundamental statistical concepts and principles that are supported by instructive examples and clarifying visuals. This Study Brief begins by defining statistics and differentiating between the descriptive and inferential branches. Topics covered in this study guide include: data and measurement, data presentation, frequency distribution, measures of central tendency, measures of variability, measures of relative standing, measures of relative dispersion, probability, normal distribution, hypothesis testing, test statistics, analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation analysis, regression analysis, non-parametric tests, and distribution graphs and tables. Recent trends and developments in the field of Statistics are also discussed.

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