Sappho, the original author of these poems, was once referred to by Plato as the “tenth muse.” In these English versions of Sappho’s poems, her sensuous, lyrical style can be felt despite the language barrier.
Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf, Harlan Cozad McIntosh, Bayard Taylor, Sheridan Le Fanu, Theodore Winthrop, Jack Saul, Lucas Malet, Henry Blake Fuller, Petronius, Sappho & Clemence Dane
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Rainer Maria Rilke, Friedrich Schiller, Joachim Ringelnatz, Federico García Lorca, Sappho, Wilhelm Busch & William Shakespeare
Oscar Wilde, Bayard Taylor, Virginia Woolf, Lucas Malet, Henry Blake Fuller, Sappho, Clemence Dane, Jack Saul, Sheridan Le Fanu, Theodore Winthrop, Petronius & Harlan Cozad McIntosh
Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf, Harlan Cozad McIntosh, Bayard Taylor, Sheridan Le Fanu, Theodore Winthrop, Jack Saul, Lucas Malet, Henry Blake Fuller, Petronius, Sappho & Clemence Dane