Acting as a seg-way to a more concentrated state for the advancement of the negative periodic moment; co-lateral transition state efficacy can codify the extreme reaction series that is necessary to carry out the spin (depth, as defined) logistics for the achievement of a negative moment. Co-Lateral is largely a term used to describe the hypothesized mechanism/structure of the spin retention rates. The data and scientific conclusions have shown that the Perplexion-Reflection Box is a great way to quantify these results regarding how positive periodicity can become that of negative periodicity, or vice-versa. The theoretical approach is to deny the transition state entry even after the limits and positioning is set forth. The paged manuscript is unique because no where before has such a simple method for common thought placed numerical analysis and assistance in such a direct exposure. The term efficacy relates to the confined approaches that each elemental glide pre-supposes. With information on how the Quad-Plex Ionization Ladder sequences achieve this goal is discussed.