Throughout my lifetime, I was unable to recognize the enemy. I failed to understand or accept this fact before I became a born again Christian. The snares represent the events the enemy uses to trap and keep me in bondage. The tares represent consequences or outcomes of these snares. The principle of seedtime and harvest work naturally and spiritually. This enemy has used the principle proficiently to advance his kingdom. Societies coveted question, “Why would God?” as if God takes pleasure in our suffering. Let’s get one thing clear, it was never Gods intention for the earth he created to be in such disorder. Once sin was introduced, it provided the enemy access to God’s creation. Satan Satan has no power to create. He is an enemy of God, once God pronounced judgement on him in the Garden the fight began. The enemy Began to use his seed to destroy God’s seed. Jesus assignment was to destroy the power the enemy had over God’s creation. This was accomplished with his death burial and resurrection. The enemy knows he was defeated through Jesus Christ obedience. He has used snares and tares to take advantage of God’s creation. God has placed a particular assignment in my heart. It is to exposed the enemy. Jesus expose the enemy on several occasions during his time one earth, but you can see we have been blinded by the god of this world (2Cor4:4). Jesus uses the parable (Matt13:24-30) to show his disciples that the enemy never sleeps. He’s looking to take advantage of every opportunity to deceive and destroy. This book was written not to condemn but to expose our enemy and give you Gods word so that you can fight a good fight of faith.
The New James Bible
The Message Bible
The New Living Translation second edition
The Darby Translation