It is hard to believe but this story started about 10 years ago when my youngest daughter kept asking me about death. My daughter continued to ask me about death over a period of several months. They say when a child asks a question and gets an adequate answer they don't have the need to ask the question anymore. No matter what I said my Jessica kept asking me, "What happens when you die?" Being raised a Catholic I was taught to pray to the Holy Spirit when needing the right words in a particular situation. So, pray I did. I prayed to the Holy Spirit to help me adequately answer my daughter's question about death. The next time my daughter asked me about death the story you have just read was my explanation for what happens when we die. I can truly say I don't know where the story, the words, came from because I remember standing there shocked and pretty impressed with myself. I do believe there was some kind of divine intervention! Now, fast forward to present day when I had a dream telling me to write the story, share the story. I woke up and remember telling my husband that I was going to write a book. His response, "you go girl". One year later, I hope you enjoy this book and I hope it gives you the sense of peace it gave my little girl all those years ago.