The theme of this work is the revolution in thought and action which came about through the impact of Christianity upon the Graeco-Roman world.
This book is organized as follows:
Part I. Reconstruction
I. Pax Augusta: The Restored Republic
II. Romanitas: Empire and Commonwealth
III. Roma Aeterna: The Apotheosis of Power
IV. Regnum Caesaris Regnum Diaboli
Part II. Renovation
V. The New Republic: Constantine and the Triumph of the Cross
VI. Quid Athenae Hierosolymis? The Impasse of Constantinianism
VII. Apostasy and Reaction
VIII. State and Church in the New Republic
IX. Theodosius and the Religion of State
Part III. Regeneration
X. The Church and the Kingdom of God
XI. Nostra Philosophia: The Discovery of Personality
XII. Divine Necessity and Human History