Business Math Formulas by Little Green Apples Publishing, LLC™

Business Math Formulas



Here’s a handy resource that all business students and business professionals will want to have right at their fingertips. The Business Math Formulas Study Brief is a convenient and complete reference guide to arithmetic principles, computational methods, and mathematical formulas you need to solve everyday business problems and assist in high-level decision making. Inside you will find mathematical tools and models essential for accounting, statistics, sales forecasting, inventory management, financial analysis, and marketing tasks to name a few. This Study Brief provides hundreds of illustrated real-world examples for all types of business applications, including accounting formulas and financial ratios; human resource and project management measures; insurance and tax equations; inventory management measures and controls; banking and investment formulas for annuities, stocks, and bonds; manufacturing and productivity measures; retailing and marketing formulas; statistical and probability formulas, including mean, median, and mode, as well as measures of association and sampling distributions. Topics covered include: annuities, assets, commission, costs, coupons, depreciation, discount, dividends, earnings, FIFO/LIFO, future value, interest, liabilities, margin, markup/markdown, mutual funds, owners’ equity, payroll, premiums, present value, returns, shareholders’ equity, sinking funds and turnover. Also included are basic math formulas you can refer to for doing temperature conversions accurately and solving volume and area calculations properly. Study Briefs are concise and visual academic outlines that help students and professionals master key concepts quickly and accurately. Don’t spend your valuable time researching on multiple websites, paging through books or investigating reference sources. Our experts have done the research for you! Compiled in one convenient guide, you will find up-to-date and reliable sources presented in a visual and easy to follow format for everyday use. Choose from our ever-growing library of need-to-know topics in the following subject categories: Business, Math, Reference, Science, Language, History and Technology!

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