Understanding the Times by Ken Ham

Understanding the Times


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Understanding the Times is timely and essential reading, because the western Church is in a free-fall of decline. Compromise has undermined the Bible, and the impact of this abandonment of belief in its authority is breaking like storm-driven waves on biblical evangelicalism. Once-thriving churches are being abandoned and transformed into dance studios, tattoo parlors, and nightclubs. Why? In this illustrated presentation, Ken Ham gives helpful insights into the reasons for this decline, which started with attacks on issues like the age of the earth and the accuracy of the history in Genesis. Ken shares how churches and individuals can stand against destructive, millions-of-years/evolution-based ideas and successfully rebuild the foundation of biblical authority in our culture.
Ken Ham is CEO and President of Answers in Genesis, and one of the most in-demand Christian speakers in North America. A native Australian now residing near Cincinnati, Ham has the unique ability to communicate deep biblical truths and historical facts through apologetics. He is the author of numerous books on evangelism, dinosaurs, and the negative fruits of evolutionary thinking, including The Lie: Evolution and Already Gone.

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