哪吒闹海 Nezha Conquers the Dragon King by 许仲琳

哪吒闹海 Nezha Conquers the Dragon King



连环画《哪吒闹海》改编自中国古典神怪小说《封神演义》。说的是哪吒出生奇异,自幼被赋予神力。七岁时,在海边戏水与龙族发生严重冲突。龙王准奏玉帝,捉拿其父母。哪吒为表示自己的行为与父母无关,便戮腹自尽。由于师傅太乙真人的帮助,哪吒复活,并拥有了更高明的本领,后来在武王伐纣中立下功勋。The picture-story book “Nezha Conquers the Dragon King” is adapted from Creation of the Gods, one of China’s classical mythological novels. It describes the strange way in which Nezha is born, and that he is given godly powers when he is young. At the age of seven, Nezha has a fight with the dragon family at the seaside. The Dragon King reports it to the Jade Emperor, who orders the heavenly soldiers to capture Nezha’s parents. Nezha kills himself to save his parents. With the help of his master, the Great Monad, Nezha resurrects with more powers and skills, and establishes great exploits in the war against the immoral ruler of Zhou.

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